RG Microenvironment (Lutzny-Geier)

  • 3D-BMSC/Leukemia model
  • CAR-T cell functionality
  • Mammacarcinoma organoids and metastasis



  • Dr. rer. nat. Gloria Lutzny-Geier, principle investigator
  • Franziska von Heydebrand, BTA
  • Janin Dingfelder, PhD student
  • Jana Lindacher, PhD student
  • Kathrina Spießl, MD student
  • Anna-Katharina Wilbrand, Master student
  • Max Meyer zu Schwabedissen, MD student
  • Sarah Handl, MD student


Scientific focus

Our group is interested in the communication of tumor cells with their microenvironment. The tumor microenvironment is essential in the establishment of B-cell lymphomas. Understanding how different signaling pathways get activated through intrinsic signals of the tumor cell itself and extrinsic signals of the microenvironment, is one aim of our studies. Therefore, we investigate how the microenvironment is modulated by tumor cells in 3-dimensional settings and if interference with this modulation can be used as new therapeutic approaches for lymphoma patients.

We also use the principle of the 3D cell culture in solide tumors, like mammacarcinomas. By generating primary organoids, we can characterize the communication and migration of immune cells as well as the metastatic potential of the tumors.